I am Carl Dangerfield, and I am a candidate for Sheriff of Rowan County. I have spent my entire life preparing for this job and I wat to earn your support.
There are currently four candidates for Sheriff in the 2026 election. If this election is about readiness for the position, then I expect to win this election. If it becomes a popularity contest, well sometimes all someone needs to be is convincing.
I won't use smoke and mirrors or try to confuse the issues, but always be straight forward, honest, and transparent.
I want to earn your trust and support and be an accountable Sheriff to every citizen and visitor to our county. Accountable to the commissioners and our state legislators that provide the funding for our budget. I will be accountable to our judges and court system and will train and provide supervision to ensure we are protecting the innocent but also being aggressive and diligent in charging people responsible for criminal activity. I will be accountable in insuring we are being due diligent in service of civil process. I will be accountable on the administration of our detention center. I will be aggressive in providing for the safety and security of our schools. I will be accountable for the aggressive pursuit of illegal drug activity to make our communities safer. I will honor the oath of office and support the constitution of the United States and North Carolina. We will assist the federal government in enforcement of their warrants into every corner of our county. I am an avid believer in constitutional carry gun laws.
You can count on me to enforce law and order in a fair and impartial manner. To protect the rights of all of our citizens and to make sure all of our investigations are fair, pure, and balanced.
I am Carl Dangerfield, and I am a candidate for Sheriff and wholeheartedly desire to earn the opportunity to earn your support, trust, and faith.
Thank You