Confederate Wire Article
EXCLUSIVE] CWR Interview with Carl Dangerfield and his 2026 Sheriff Campaign for Rowan County:
As a Conservative Republican and US Air Force Veteran, Dangerfield has had an extensive career in law enforcement serving as a patrol officer, a special response team operative, criminal investigator, field trainer, hostage negotiator, supervisor, and now operates a private investigation business following his retirement. He also has a Bachelors Degree in criminal justice from Perdue University.
Additionally, Dangerfield is a Basic Law Enforcement Instructor at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, teaches Constitutional Law, and was the supervisor for Travis Allen in the Sheriff's Office.
Tim Harrington is also running for Rowan County Sheriff in 2026, who has 32 years of experience as a law enforcement officer, is a retired operations captain from Stallings Police Department, and has a BS in Criminal Justice Management from LaSalle University.
Deciding to run for Rowan County Sheriff in November of 2024, Carl Dangerfield "feels called to lead the agency at this time", as stated on his campaign website.
In the beginning talks of the interview, introductory conversation was executed before proper questioning followed to set a sense of comfortability and ease of potential pressure, where Dangerfield presented himself as a retired detective of Rowan County with a Sheriff campaign slogan: "Experience, Leadership, Accountability."
Our first initial question fed off of the lead to the initial interview, being the sexual harassment allegations surrounding two deputies in the Sheriff's Office, where Dangerfield stated that the Office has an ongoing morale issue with its personnel, and is full of "yes men" who do as instructed without hesitation or feedback to leadership.
"A Sheriff is responsible for his deputies, and anything that those deputies do automatically reflects on the Sheriff to account for with a sense of professional expectation", Dangerfield said.
One campaign promise that was made first hand by Dangerfield was that he will pledge to do a complete overhaul of the budget, stripping anything unnecessary to focus primarily on training. He continued in saying he will vet the entire Office from top to bottom.
"There will be no blankets for Officers", Dangerfield said. "The Sheriff's Office has inconsistency in its promotion system, where certain deputies are promoted by appointment without issue, and other positions require a board to review a recommendation."
He believes that promotion should be universally treated the same, where all personnel, in order to receive a promotion in his Office, should be put to a test of qualifications presented to a board.
Checking and balancing the budget of the Sheriff's Office is also a top priority for Dangerfield, where he referenced the new toys that the department has acquired since the election of Travis Allen in 2022. Specifically, deputies have received new uniforms, new designed vehicle wraps for squad cars, six new motorcycles, a patrol boat, one bear cat (SWAT armored vehicle), and mentioned the potential for a the purchasing of a police helicopter.
Dangerfield also added one detail saying that the new boat that was presented in the various Christmas Parades in November, is too large to fit under most bridges beyond channels in High Rock Lake where emergency response is severely hindered.
One hot question that's always rotating for County Sheriff's is the case of enforcing gun control, and adhering to the authority of State and Federal officials demanding such measures to be taken. Dangerfield said point blank that he "absolutely would not enforce" gun control in any form against the people of Rowan County.
This lead to reference of the Uvlade School Shooting in Texas, adding that the only gun control measures in place for society should a well-armed population to keep check on itself regularly, noting that he would push for private security in all schools, giving reference to Florida Schools having armed guards on campuses.
Dangerfield continued by saying he would also push for the creation of an Officers Bill of Rights to provide an officer an opportunity to have his own independent investigation in cases of internal matters or officer-involved shooting issues.
That was followed up with his take on immigration enforcement and the case of human trafficking along the I-85 corridor, where Dangerfield responded saying "ICE is welcome in the County Jail" where he as Sheriff would enforce against illegal immigrants residing or traveling through Rowan County across North Carolina in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies.
Dangerfield also expressed his personal preferences of the position, stating that he believes the Sheriff should be a non-partisan official not represented or linked to any political party and its expectations in the line of enforcing the law of the land compared to politics, adding that he believes municipal police chiefs should be elected officials rather than appointed representatives of councils and boards in order to avoid political involvement in law enforcement.
We later asked him about his opinion on the lingering rumors from years past of the Sheriff's Office moving its department out of the Jail and into the Rowan County Health Department building at 1811 East Innes Street in Salisbury, to move the Magistrates Office into the current Sheriff's Office space, to provide space for the County to build a parking deck where the Magistrate currently operates.
This has been an ongoing discussion in local government for multiple reasons, being the Counties extensive renovations of West End Plaza to accommodate other departments moving there, and the proposal for the County to generate revenue by charging for parking for the public and for events like the Cheerwine Festival.
Dangerfield even added that this parking deck could be build with a "breezeway bridge" linking the structure to the Jail thus providing a specific space for prisoner transfers thus avoiding traffic entirely.
Our last question was one that had been brought up in the last Sheriff election of 2022 by referencing the potential for precincts to be maintained in other parts of Rowan County by the department. Dangerfield's response was that he "would like to propose a joint effort of providing these precincts to existing police departments in potential vacant spaces that they maintain", he said, "where we would cut out using a brand new facility, and would be able to directly build a relationship with other departments in the County."
Currently, the Rowan County Sheriff's Office only maintains one precinct outside of its Department in downtown Salisbury which is in the Town of Landis where conceal carry licenses are handled.
Overall, Carl Dangerfield in his Rowan County Sheriff campaign, pledges to vet all department personnel, cut unnecessary spending to prioritize training, reform the morale focus of the office, cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), prohibit unconstitutional gun control measures under his position, advocate for armed guards at all public and private schools, propose an Officers Bill of Rights for the department to adopt, and is open to operating precincts within other police departments across Rowan County to increase response timing and improve business relationships between the law enforcement agencies: